My Kickstarter Campaign

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Hi Everybody,

This my crowd-funding campaign currently on Kickstarter! Let me tell you about my project.

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Did you know when you are taking a self-portrait or video, and you see yourself on the iPhone’s display, you’re using the front camera to take your photo? On the iPhone 4S the front camera is only VGA quality. Only the rear camera is HD quality. That means that the rear camera takes photos in high definition but not the front camera. We designed a HD lens attachment, and through the use of mirrors and special lenses, that re-directs the rear camera to the front! Now you can take high definition photos while seeing yourself on the iPhone’s display. This also means that you can FaceTime in HD, which is impossible to do now. The lens attaches to the back of the protective case and positions automatically via magnets over the camera aperture.

July 1st Update: Here are pictures below of the cases for the new rewards and your name will be on the outside.

What people are saying:

Geeky Gadgets– introduces the eyeCLICK to its followers and describe the benefits of no longer being restricted by your “arms length” photography! 

The HD Lens is the coolest thing about the eyeCLICK!” -Heather L. KS Backer

What is an eyeCLICK?

eyeCLICK is a simple camera remote accessory for iPhone 4/4S that enables you to take photos and videos of friends and family without being confined to an “arms length” away. By making it wireless, it frees you from the usual limitations associated with taking photos and videos.

Benefits of the eyeCLICK include:

  • The ability to place the iPhone further away so you can get more people and more background in the photo.
  • Saying goodbye to a “designated photographer”.  Everyone can be in the photo!
  • Never be held “freeze hostage” by the timer function. Take your time getting into position! 
Fits naturally to any iPhone 4/4S
Fits naturally to any iPhone 4/4S
Take photos on vacation with ease!
Take photos on vacation with ease!

How we take photos today

With today’s technology, taking self-portraits require you to stretch your arms out, face the phone towards you and press the button. This is very limiting! Your arm length restricts the photo from having more than 2 people in the shot and you’ve also got to be very nimble and dexterous to frame the shot perfectly.  When you’re on vacation and want to take photos with a memorable backdrop, you usually have to find a stranger who is willing to take the photo for you and you lose control of how the photo is framed. The result is always either an awkward or unnatural photo. 

Photographers, no more restrictions from your "arms length" photography
Photographers, no more restrictions from your “arms length” photography

Wireless Camera Shutter thanks to the iOS 5.0

When iOS 5.0 was released, it made the volume up button double as a camera shutter button; a long requested feature among many iPhone users. We quickly realized that this camera shutter function could be accessed via earphones that had a remote volume up button. If you could do this with earphones why not apply this same concept to a wireless camera shutter remote!

The wireless shutter remote
The wireless shutter remote

Our Patent Pending HD Lens

eyeCLICK is a way to take photos and videos handsfree utilizing a wireless remote and introducing our patent pendingHD Lens. No longer is high definition photos and videos limited to your phone’s main camera. Thanks to our HD Lens you can now capture HD images from the camera on the front of the phone. Say hello to HD self-portraits for your Facebook profile pics!

The HD Lens Attachment enables all your photos to now be taken in high definition.

What’s included?

1. eyeCLICK includes the following:

  • Remote Shutter Control
  • Receiver unit that plugs into the headphone jack
  • Protective Case
  • Universal Stand (with standard tripod screw mount)
  • A Carrying Pouch

2. eyeCLICK HD includes all the above plus the optional HD Lens

3. eyeCLICK PRO “Limited Edition” includes:

  • An extra protective case in a color voted by the backers. (We’ll ask for your votes after the campaign ends)
  • A mini tripod
  • 3 extra magnet lens attachments (wide-angle, fish-eye, macro)
  • A microfiber cleaning cloth
  • A compact and light-weight aluminum carrying case to carry your PRO-KIT around in style

Where the money will go

At the beginning of any product development, there is what’s called a “tooling” that needs to be made and this is where the bulk of the funding will go. From the tooling a process called injection molding which will produce the plastic parts in mass quantity. From there is the assembly where the electronics and plastics come together into the final product.

We are now working on various packaging designs to showcase the product. We will be providing our Kickstarter fans with regular updates on this as well as all the other development updates.

The app development side is also part of the process. We have finalized the design of the user interface and function and part of the funds will be used to write the software.

Say Cheese!


Does the eyeCLICK require a seperate photo app? No, the eyeCLICK was designed to work with your existing Apple photo app.

What is the range of the wireless shutter remote? The remote can work up to 7 meters or 21 feet.

Thank You!

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5 thoughts on “My Kickstarter Campaign”

  1. David blackman said:

    I hope you will display this product at the winter CES show next January in las Vegas

  2. I’m definitely interested… I’ll be checking out your kickstarter page!!

  3. Bummer… I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner… I would have loved getting in on this. I do a lot of photography, and I like getting myself in the shot whenever I travel (Yes, I am that vain) so this would have been great…

    Sorry it didn’t work out!

  4. Very interesting product i like this.

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