About Me

Father, Husband, and Son. Living a life worth living and documenting it as entertainingly as I am able. For now, as I am new to blogging, I write about anything and everything that I find interesting, and aspire to evolve into a meaningful blogger that can affect people in a positive way.

I would describe myself as a disruptive innovator & technologist and a product designer & developer. My interests are gadgets and any new innovation, sensitive to design in all aspects of life. I’m intrigued with the brain, specifically how we are wired in our human behaviour and also how little we understand, or are willing to learn, about ourselves. I try to mix spiritual with practical knowledge as a habit in search of a better state of mind and want to learn many more things than I have time to.

Follow me on Twitter: @davidwu9999

13 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. hello i am the reporter from HK Magazine” Next Magazine”
    Can i take a interview with you
    about Apple Store office…
    Thank you

  2. Kenneth Lam said:

    Hello Can we take some photo from your Apple Store Office?
    For Our Next Magazine New Apple’s fans Features
    Thanks for reply
    My email is keniroi@gmail.com / kennethlam@nextmedia / or whatsapp or phone to me 59480479
    Thanks again

  3. Hello David! I hope everything is well. I’d like to know if Its possible to order an apple desk table from you? I can give you the dimensions that i want. I’m based in the US. Please let me know. Thank you!

    • Hello Jon, thank you for such an interest you have in the Apple desk. Unfortunately it was a one-off personal project. Also I did some checking because I’ve received several such requests before and although it is cheaper to build it in Asia than in the US, the cost to ship it even broken down would make the total cost more than if you had it made there locally.
      If you give me your email, I can dig up the rough dimensions that I drew up to help you get it made locally.

  4. Hello David,

    I have a question about your article you wrote last month: Buying a Home Is 35% Cheaper Than Renting in the Biggest Metro Areas

    Can you please e-mail rlobrino@trulia.com

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.


  5. Dave – why do you keep spamming my Twitter account? I get a Follow email from Twitter on a pretty regular basis. What this tells me is that rather than use Twitter as a tool for communication, you’re using it to auto follow people in the hopes that you’ll be followed back. You’re hoping for quantity not quality. Not cool man.

    • Hi Joe, thanks for your message and your good suggestions. In twittersphere, I don’t believe that quantity and quality are opposites. Just growing my followers to share my content with. They will unfollow if they don’t find them useful. I also follow back all who follow me.
      Sorry again for the onslaught though. It isn’t supposed to do that so I will take that up with them so you’ve helped prevent this happening to others. Now that IS cool of you!!

  6. Mark Rogers said:

    Hi David- sorry to post this here, I couldn’t see another way to contact you.

    My name is Mark.

    I noticed that you tweeted a great article, ‘To overcome an irrational fear…’ on Seth’s Blog.

    I was hearing from my readers that they wanted something more in depth about cognitive approaches to overcoming fear, so I went ahead and created this post: http://www.neurokarmaproject.com/anxiety/banishanxiety/

    If you have time I’d love for you to check it out, and if you like it, it would be awesome if you could share it or maybe leave a comment.

    Mark Rogers Ph.D (Behavioral neuroscience)

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